‘Come; then, do as I say, let us all be won over; let us take those shields which are best in the army and biggest and put them on, and cover our heads in the complete shining of helmets, and take in our hands our spears that are longest and go….’
The ILIAD translated by Richmond Lattimore Book 14
Selected small terra cotta Marquettes for Bronze Shield
These NIKE Shield maquettes were created to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the Modern Greek State and to celebrate the strong bond that exists between the United States and Greece.
Maquettes are models, sketches for sculptures.
Shield of Hercules, bronze
Shield of Hercules, plaster
The Round Stuff
Putting up these images for the website and working on the shields makes me think that it would be nice to have a show of just the round stuff...
There are tondo prints galore, reliefs, drawings, shields and more narratives, all exploring that circle…
Selected pieces from "Seals of Fortune" and "Seals of Fate"
Random Shield, terra cotta, 3 views
Selected pieces from "Seals of Fortune" (left) and "Seals of Fate (right)"